Sweet and Sour Chicken on Vermicelli

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sweet and Sour Chicken on Vermicelli

Ingredients (for 4 persons)

* 150 gms. Rice vermicelli
* Vegetable for deep fry
* 300gms boneless chickens cut into bite size pcs
* 1 table spoon Chinese rice wine
* 1 table spoon light soya sauce
* 3 table spoon corn flour
* One egg
* 3 carrots cut into square size
* 1 medium size onion cut into bit
size pcs
* 1 capsicum cut into bit size pcs
* 2 table spoon vegetable oil
* 1 table spoon sesame oil

For the sauce

400ml chicken stock, 2 tbs suger, 100gms tomato ketchup, ½ table spoon light soya sauce, 4 tbs Chinese rice wine, 4 tbs vinegar, salt and black pepper, 2 tbs corn flower, 3 tbs water

Preparation :

Fill a saucepan a quarter full of oil and heat to 180 0C. Separate vermicelli into small portion. Deep-fry the vermicelli in several batches in the saucepan. They puff up in a few seconds, take them out promptly. Drain on absorbent kitchen towel.

Marinate the chicken in the rice wine and soya sauce for 20 minues. Mix 2 tbs of cornflower, egg, one tbs of water together in a bowl and coat the chicken with the mixture and deep-fry them until golden brown.

Cook the carrot in boiling water for 15 min. then set aside. Heat one tbs of vegetable oil and sesame oil in the saucepan until very hot. Stir-fry onion, capsicum and carrot, then add the chicken stock; sugar, tomato ketchup, soya sauce and rice wine and bring to the boil.

Combine the cornflower with the water and stir well into the sauce. Add chicken and vinegar. Lastly scoop the sweet and sour chicken on to the noodles and serve immediately.


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